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Hey There!

A typical day for Sadie, during the formative years of her youth, looked like this: Wake up, school, ignore homework to read until dinner, speed-eat her mother’s cooking, return to the comfort of bed for more reading. Rinse and repeat. She has consumed novels like they were her only life source since she could remember, and so she is elated at the thought that she now writes them.


Sadie is in her final year of her undergrad where she studies English Literature (in which the novels have a surprising lack of dragons compared to her usual selection). When she is not disassociating to ink on paper, she is crafting, thrifting, shooting her bow, rewatching Mamma Mia for the millionth time or playing her next vacation. Sadie has a passion for seeing this world and creating new ones. Under The Light is her debut novel.

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